Survey Ethics Policy
As a way to learn more about people, I periodically release surveys and gather data. I've created this ethics policy to be clear about what information I'm gathering and what will and will not be made public.
Responses are anonymous.
The app that I use to create surveys allows me to strip all data of names, IP addresses, email addresses, and any other directly identifying information before it ever gets to me. So not only am I committed to not releasing identifying information about respondents, I couldn't if I wanted to.
I will publicly release meaningful data.
I collect and analyze data to help myself and others learn and understand why we do what we do, think what we think, and say what we say. When a survey is complete and I've analyzed the results, I'll publicly release what I learned.
I will not release a survey that could easily be used to identify respondents.
In designing survey questions, I avoid combinations of questions that can easily be used to identify respondents.